Pri master hard disk smart status bad backup and replace press f1 to resume? Pri master hard disk smart status bad backup and replace press f1 to resume? Follow publicly Follow privately Unfollow This is the warning that is seen in start up of my computer, whats the reason and how can i fix it. Please help me ...
What does this message mean?? pri slave hard disk: SMART status BAD . backup and replace . press F1 What does this message mean?? pri slave hard disk: SMART status BAD . backup and replace . press F1 to resume? ... SMART status BAD . backup and replace . press F1 to resume? when i press f1 , a black screen appears and nothing to add your answer ...
pri master hard disk:S.M.A.R.T. status BAD,backup and replace press F1 to resume_知道 提問者採納: 第一主硬碟(系統盤):SMART(Self-Monitoring,Analysis and Rep orting Technology,即自我監測、分析及報告技術)狀態:有損壞,備份及替換,按F1返回 F11啟動菜單 F12聯網啟動 關於S.M.A.R.T 全稱為 ...
開機後,要按F1才可以進入XP!! - Yahoo!奇摩知識+ 各位大大~我開機後,會出現 3rd Master Hard Disk: S.M.A.R.T status BAD, Backup and Replace Press F1 to Resume
求助- 開机出現S.M.A.R.T.硬碟有問題- 史萊姆論壇 Pri Master Hard Disk:S.M.A.R.T. Status BAD, Backup and Replace Press F1 to Resume 個硬碟有無 ...
使用才13個月的Seagate 的ST3500418AS 硬碟出現SMART status bad 2010年3月22日 ... ... 錯誤訊息:Pri Master Hard Disk : S.M.A.R.T status bad , backup and replace Press F1 to resume.
What does this message? hard disk: SMART status BAD . backup and ... During boot up your computer auto tests your hard drive. That is the standard message telling you the hard ...
[SOLVED] Hard Disk S.M.A.R.T. status bad - Tech Support Forum POST error = Hard Disk S.M.A.R.T. status bad, backup and replace. Press F1 to resume. PC boots up ...
pri master hard disk:SMART status BAD,backup and replace press ... 分類: 外語/出國 問題描述: 開機顯示pri master hard disk:S.M.A.R.T. status BAD, backup and replace press F1 to resume此 ...